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Rainy days.
Blank Canvases.
Blank Pages.
Idea Grids.
Morphological Grids.

Cre8ng™ Challenge 2000-14

Rainy days. Blank Canvases. Blank Pages.
Idea Grids. Morphological Grids. Improv.

What do they have in common? For you probably many things.

For me the second list are tools for dealing with the first list. Rainy days. Blank Canvases. Blank Pages. Represent and remind me of creative block, those times when no ideas seem to come, times when our brains have dulled down or shut off.

Such blocks occur for intellectual, emotional, psychological, social reasons. These tools are not affected by such factors. They simply are ways to generate ideas no matter what mood or state you are in mentally or emotionally.

This week practice using idea grids and the main principle(s) of Improvisation. First, the main principle I mean is... Whatever happens or whatever a fellow actor does you always respond either of the following two ways...
a. yes, and.....(adding your part)
b. yes (the answer is always yes...total open acceptance to whatever is said or done)

In either case the answer is always YES! Yes with enthusiasm. Each day during your creative challenge, creative skills and abilities development time make a list of 26 randomly, preferably totally unrelated items or traits.
a. aardvark
b. blue
c. candy
d. dinosaur
e. electric razor
f. football
g. grape flavoring
y. yardstick
z. zipper

Then make a grid that is 26 by 26. Write your list of 26 items or traits vertically and horizontally on your chart. The next step is to combine each of the 26 with the other 25, two at a time in pairs.

For example,
electric razor and grape flavoring

Now use the principle of YES! and/or YES AND...! to create a possible use or application of this new found idea.

z. grape colored electric razor
y. electric razor that sprays a light mist of grape flavoring while it shaves
x. sell razors with a free bunch of grapes
w. peel grapes with your electric razor

Do this with all 25 or at least 12 random combinations each day. To keep freshness and interest level up generate a separate list of 26 each day. If time is pressing for you use the initial list each time.

Please share samples of the ideas you generate and the potential products or solutions.

Whether its raining, your canvases or pages are blank have a creative week this week. It is always your choice and up to you to be creative.

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