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What's a Met A Four?

Creativity Challenge 2002 #12

Changing our viewpoint or our perspective can help us spark our creativity. Let's practice this concept this week.  Also let's let our environments provide us with our metaphors or similes to spark new viewpoints or perspectives. Each day find or let a metaphor find you. Then apply it to any problem you are working on or simply apply it to "Creative thinking is like a/an _____". Then generate 12 to 24 reasons why Creative thinking is like _____." Share a sample during the week to help the rest of us further spark our creative thinking.

MONDAY - Pick the first noun you see. I.E.: table lamp, alarm clock, bathroom scale, etc.

TUESDAY - Pick the first verb you experience. I.E.: bathing, running, driving, stopping, gardening, dumb truck dumping, etc.

WEDNESDAY - First pick a unique adjective: smokey, slimy, scratchy, broadbased. Then apply it to the second noun you see in a newspaper. Smokey television set, slimy dozen of donuts, scratchy vacation...etc.

THURSDAY - Pick the first adjective you find in a book: fiction, non-fiction or dictionary and apply it to the first noun you hear on the radio or a CD you are playing. I.E.: glorius food slicer, exciting can of prune juice, etc.

FRIDAY - Quickly think of 3 or 4 adjectives for something with an arm's length. Then pick up a book or a magazine and read until you find the third noun and link them. smooth carpet rake, colorful blackboard, fuzzy toilet...

Have fun and let the randomly created metaphors and similes spark your creative thinking.

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