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Celebrate Creativity All Year Long

Creativity Challenge 2002 #17

Happy International Creativity and Innovation Day. The first celebration of Idea Week has been a great success with programs, activities, celebrations in several countries and cities. Mark your calendars for next year and think about holding some celebrations to honor ICID and IW in 2003. For examples visit the following two websites:

Perhaps you could add to the celebration throughout the year by honoring your favorite creative people on their birthdays: Frank Lloyd Wright, Robert Louis Sullivan, Pablo Picasso, Alvar Aalto, Sibelius, Louisa May Alcott. Let's use our creativity challenge, creativity development time this week generating ideas for how to celebrate creativity throughout the year.

Begin a list of creative heroes, heroines, roll models, mentors of yours. Find out their birthdays and write them down on your calendar. Share your respect and honor for them by sending out celebration cards honoring their birthdays.

Generate a list of how you might honor your creative heroes, heroines, role models, and mentors; i.e.: mailing holiday cards you create honoring them, hold gatherings with people who also want to honor them: have a Frank Lloyd Wright lunch. Send brief articles to your local newspaper to honor them. etc.

List various organizations that might get involved in celebrate ICID and IW next year: local libraries, art departments, engineering schools, companies in your area known for their creativity, art museums, history museums, churches, schools, etc.

List as many different types of gatherings you might hold to celebrate creativity: idea generating sessions for volunteer groups, idea generating teaching sessions, guest presentations by creative people in the area, creativity parade, creativity contests in schools or in general through local newspapers or radio stations.

Imagine that ICID and IW 2003 have been fantastic and you are writing down in your daily or weekly journal. What has happened? or Might have happened to make the celebrations a great success.

"Celebrating creativity is another way to celebrate the beauty and potential of life."


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